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Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Commerce

This is another of my ancient web pages, left unchanged from 1996 below so you can see what I got right and what I got wrong about electronic data interchange (EDI). Alas, all the hyperlinks below are inactive, as the specialized forms of EDI all were overtaken by the evolution of the Internet.


A few years ago, electronic data interchange (EDI) was a narrowly defined topic. EDI was used to cut out paperwork and errors in business transactions such as arranging shipments of goods and sending invoices. But today EDI has evolved into the broader concept of electronic commerce, in which shoppers may visit Web sites, order goods, arrange delivery, and even make payments all from a personal computer.

Web Electronic Commerce Information Resources

Premenos Corp. Perhaps because today's EDI and electronic commerce systems are beginning to use the Internet, there are a large number of Web sites and email discussion lists devoted to that topic. Fortunately one EDI firm, Premenos, has organized links to most of these from this web page.From this Web site, one may access a calendar of EDI events, automatically subscribe to any of a dozen EDI email discussion lists, link to other EDI web sites, contact EDI organizations, and locate EDI and electronic commerce publications.Translink. The Translink Web site specializes in EDI and legal issues of international freight goods transportation:

EDI World . The top magazine covering electronic commerce.

News Groups

Bit.listserv.edi-l is a newsgroup devoted solely to EDI topics.

Email Discussion Lists

At the Premenos site mentioned above, one may enter subscriptions to any of a dozen EDI-related email discussion lists.

M/B Research

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