Superforecasting: Can People Learn How to Do It? You could partipate in one of these workshops, and/or join Good Judgment Open to try your hand at forecasting any of their challenges that appeal to you. Pretty soon, you will find out whether you are, or can become, a superforecaster.The superforecasters of Good Judgment Open love to help newcomers learn how to predict the future. We do this because we beleive that once we can see how the future is likely to unfold, we can take action to on behalf of ourselves and those we love -- AND -- we can take action to avert the futures we don't want to happen. Yes, we can change the world. I have no financial interest in Good Judgment, Inc. I only am promoting them because I want a better future for us all. If you join Good Judgment Open, follow me (user name cmeinel) and those whom I follow and you will find plenty of people who will encourage and assist you. May we all live long and prosper. |
My first forecasting competition, the Good Judgment Project of the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency.
One of the two people who beat me, user name Dan Mayland, is a delightful person. So is Kjirste Morrell. I forgive them for beating me... Dan also writes spy novels, the best I've ever read. He researches them by traveling and living at the scenes of his books. He has posted photos and commentaries on these scenes from his books. |
M/B Research
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